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Membership Application


Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce! 

Your renewal date will be each year at the same time following your anniversary date. Your dues investment may be deductible as a business expense; consult your accountant. 

Select An Option

Civic-minded individuals are willing to participate in activities that benefit their community, such as volunteering, donating and speaking out about issues they are passionate about. They help to look after civic needs and interest. This cost covers a monthly mailed newsletter subscription and a one-time name tag fee.

Associates are individuals classified as independent contractors working for a member business. Examples: Beautician, Esthetician, Realtor, etc. 

Fee is based on number of full-time employees. Two (2) part-time employees = One (1) full-time employee.

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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